Nature Bible Puppet Mania

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Karen Whiting
112 pages
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Sunday school teachers, vacation Bible school workers, camp counselors, and anyone who works with younger children will enjoy the “crafty creativityâ€å ideas in Karen Whiting's new book, Nature Bible Puppet Mania. Karen, an accomplished puppeteer herself and leader of youth puppet ministry teams, has done an excellent job sharing construction ideas, technique and character voice advice, and Bible story skits for a wide variety of animal puppet characters. The construction materials recommended are easy to find, and include foam, felt, cloth, paper, cardboard, gloves, wigs, boxes, sacks, and various dollar store items. The book includes many drawings, patterns, and pictures to assist the leader in helping make the various characters take shape and come alive. Your children will love the creation process and have fun using the puppets to share Bible stories and truths.

Dale VonSeggen

Founder, One Way Street and Creative Ministry Solutions 
Veteran Puppet Ministry Director 
Chapter 1 The World of PuppetryBasics about puppets and creating characters
Chapter 2 Every Puppet Needs a Helping HandMovement that brings puppets to life
Chapter 3 Folding Up PuppetsTrees, lions, and other creations from folded paper 
Chapter 4 Moveable Mouth Finger PuppetsManatees, alligators, and other felt or paper finger puppets
Chapter 5 Boxed-In PuppetsReindeer, cows, pigs, sheep, and more puppets from recycled boxes 
Chapter 6 Scrappy PuppetsLadybug, caterpillars, and other hairy critters from garlands, wigs, and scraps
Chapter 7 Baggy Puppets and Puppet VoicesCreate panda bear, walrus, and other 3D puppets from bags and underwater puppets from plast